Monday, 6 April 2015

Disputa by raphael

Cotton Candy Nebula. The nebula known as N11, complete with sparkly star clusters embedded in fluffy pink clouds of gas.

NGC 6188 is an emission nebula located about 4,000 light years away in the constellation Ara. via ★ @Katie Smith Official © © ★

Cosmic rose: This infrared image from NASA’s WISE space telescope shows a cosmic rosebud blossoming with new stars.

Cone Nebula. The part pictured here is 2.5 light years in length (the equivalent of 23 million return trips to the Moon)

Constellation: Orion (the Hunter) Stars: Betelgeuse (Alpha), Rigel (Beta), Bellatrix (Gamma), Saiph (Kappa), Meissa (Lambda), Alnitak (Zeta), Alnilam (Epsilon), and Mintaka (Delta)


Spitzer Space Telescope’s View of Galaxy Messier 101

NGC 7714 ~ This unusual structure is a river of Sun-like stars that has been pulled deep into space by the gravitational tug of a by a passing galaxy, not seen in this Hubble Space Telescope photo. That's because the near-collision between the galaxies happened at least 100 million years ago.

An artist's illustration of the black hole at the heart of a quasar in the distant universe. The biggest black hole known to exist lives in the nearby galaxy M87. It's 2,000 times bigger than the Milky Way's supermassive black hole.

Moon map, 1679. Isn't that awesome !

All the planets in one picture...via themetapicture #Illustration #Planets

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